When choosing a wound care certification course, choose one with a risk-free guarantee. Our “Until You Pass!” course access guarantee lets you register for our online wound care training courses with complete peace of mind. After enrolling, you’ll enjoy access to all curriculum and resources for 6 months.
Didn’t Pass the Wound Certification Exam? We offer a Course Extension at No Additional Charge!
We are confident that our curriculum provides you with the necessary information to pass your wound certification exam. So much so, that we offer an “Until You Pass Guarantee!” What happens if you take the wound certification examination within your original course duration and do not pass the certification exam? We provide a wound care course extension for 30 days at no extra charge. In order to receive an extension, simply provide proof that the exam was taken without a passing score. In addition, you will need to provide confirmation that you are signed up to take another certification exam.
Note: Our wound care course material is available to you 24/7 within six months of original activation. If you need more time to complete your original coursework prior to taking the wound care certification exam, we also offer extensions available for purchase in 30-day, 90-day, and 6-month extensions. We understand life happens, and we are here to support your wound care journey with flexible options that meet your schedule.
Our Commitment to You
Our wound care course access guarantee covers all of our wound education courses and related products. By doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to your career development and wound care management expertise. Our wound care resources are constantly being updated, ensuring your wound care education is relevant and effective.
Independently Accredited
Every one of our wound care education courses has been rigorously evaluated by independent accreditation providers. In addition, all of our wound care certification courses are formally approved for continuing education hours. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Recommended + Reviewed by National Wound Certification Boards
WoundEducators is a recommended course for clinicians preparing for CWCA®, CWS®, or CWSP® board certification exams by the ABWM Foundation.
WoundEducators wound certification courses have been reviewed by the National Alliance of Wound Care & Ostomy (NAWCO) Certification Committee and meets the eligibility requirements for the Wound Care Certified (WCC®) examination.
Wound Care Certification Courses with our Risk-Free Guarantee
Are you a nurse, physician, assistant, or medical sales rep? Why wait another day to start furthering your career, earning continuing education credits, and boosting your credibility in your field? Sign up now for our wound certification course. Besides our risk-free guarantee, another major benefits of choosing WoundEducators.com is that we offer you more CE credit hours for just a fraction of the cost of our competitors.