Search Results for: venous

The Support (or Lack Thereof) for Serial Debridement

The Support (or Lack Thereof) for Serial Debridement

Although many of us intuitively know that serial debridement works (we’ve seen the results), as healthcare professionals we must base our practice on evidence-based knowledge. I went searching for the evidence to support this practice and was surprised that I could not find reams of studies supporting serial debridement. If we know it works and…

Moving Beyond Basic Wound Care to Advanced Knowledge

Do you remember what you were taught about wound care in nursing school? Many of you may vaguely recall a lecture about the skin as an organ system, the layers of the skin and the function in regulating temperature and protecting us from infection. As far as wound care itself, I remember learning about clean…

Lower Extremity Ulcers

Ulceration of the lower limb affects 1% of the adult population and 3.6% of people older than 65 years. Leg ulcers are debilitating and painful and greatly reduce patients’ quality of life. Ulcer healing has been shown to restore quality of life. Use the resources below to learn more about lower extremity wounds. Please note;…

Wound Debridement

Wound debridement is the removal of non-viable tissue from the wound bed to encourage wound healing. Wound debridement is an essential part of wound care and its role in the preparation of the wound bed is well documented.  (Falanga, 2001; EWMA, 2004; Wolcott et al, 2009). Use the resources below to learn more about wound debridement. Read our article…

Electrical Stimulation in Wound Healing

If wound healing is not successfully achieved using a conservative approach, through sterile dressings or topical antibiotics, for example, a surgical strategy is often the next course of action. However, a less invasive approach to wound healing, and one which is gathering support from both clinicians and researchers, is electrical stimulation.1–3 In this technique, one electrode…

Wound Care Resources

The pace of change in wound care represents both an opportunity and a challenge to health care professionals. It is exciting to be part of such a growing and changing field, but it is also important that healthcare professionals ensure that their knowledge is current. Use these wound care resources to help ensure your practices…

Vascular Evaluation – Arterial Insufficiency
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Vascular Evaluation – Arterial Insufficiency

Many wounds seen by wound care specialists can be ascribed a vascular etiology, including arterial, venous, and diabetic wounds. In order to successfully manage wounds of this type, the underlying vascular dysfunction must first be addressed. A number of tests and measures are available for detecting arterial insufficiency, the simplest of which is an assessment…

Nutritional Intervention

Because of the known importance of good nutrition in improving healing in chronic wounds, an appropriate program of nutritional intervention should be implemented as quickly as possible once any nutritional deficit has been identified.1–4 Exploring why a patient is not eating or drinking properly can be an important first step in addressing any nutritional deficits….

Overview of Antibiotics In Wound Management

Antibiotics have a vital role in wound management, both in the treatment and prophylaxis of infection. Depending on the circumstances, antibiotics may be administered systematically, topically, or via a combination of both routes.(1,2) Administering antibiotics topically generally allows a lower dose to be used, as the active component comes into direct contact with the microorganism…