Causes and Treatment of Venous Stasis Ulcers

Lower extremity venous stasis ulcers represent approximately 80% of the leg ulcers typically seen in wound care facilities. The following statistics help to bring home the seriousness and chronicity of this common health problem: Healing time for venous stasis ulcers averages 24 weeks Approximately 15% of these ulcers will never heal In 15 to 71%…

Wound Characteristics that Affect Wound Healing

As well as systemic and local factors, a number of the wound’s own inherent characteristics affect the rate of wound closure and wound healing. It is important to understand these factors so that they can be managed optimally as part of an overall strategy to help achieve wound closure. There are eight wound characteristics that…

Wound Inflammation: Where Would We Be Without It?

During our training, we are all taught about the three phases of normal wound healing; wound inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. This is a relatively well-understood area of wound management and one that is predictable and consistent. Sadly, in wound management as in life, nothing is ever quite that simple. A number of wounds appear to…

Acute vs Chronic Wounds: a Closer Look Inside the Wound

In previous articles, we have looked at the basic differences between chronic wounds and acute wounds and have considered some of the macroscopic factors that are responsible for the development of a chronic wound through abnormal wound healing. This article will look at some of the differences between the two types of wound on a…

The Trouble with Chronic Wounds

The healing of an acute wound follows a well-ordered pattern through a number of defined phases. Often, acute wounds heal themselves without coming close to a wound care specialist. Unfortunately, as all wound care practitioners know, a large proportion of wounds fail to follow this well-understood path and prove more difficult to heal. These are…

Bad Wound Management

As wound care professionals, we all want to believe that we are having an active and positive effect on the healing of a wound under our care. None of us would like to think that the wound would close just as quickly if we were not involved. And all of us would hate to think…