How to Reschedule a Wound Certification Exam
Many wound care certification organizations have found themselves having to adapt to current COVID-19 precautions. If your wound care certification exam was scheduled to take place over these next few weeks, there are changes you need to know about.

NAWCO Wound Certification Exam Rescheduling
NAWCO has officially closed testing centers on March 20th. If you have an AWCC® or WCC® wound care certification scheduled between now and April 14th, you will have two options during this time. The options are to either wait until in-person testing centers reopen, or to take the test remotely. NAWCO® is currently testing exam candidates through the Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) process.
Students wishing to switch from the PSI testing center to the Live Remote Proctoring option should read the full list of system requirements and then contact NAWCO® at [email protected].
The benefits of switching to remote testing include being able to take the exam 24/7 from their home and having exam change fees waived.
ABWM Wound Certification Exam Rescheduling
Like NAWCO®, ABWM® ‘s test provider has decided to close its US-based testing centers from Friday, March 20th until April 14th. In addition to testing center closures, the ABWM has also canceled these previously scheduled exams:
- March 23, 2020 in Miami, Florida
- April 6, 2020 in Memphis, Tennessee
- April 27, 2020 in Ann Arbor, Michigan
- May 4, 2020 in Atlantic City, New Jersey
ABWM® wound care exam rescheduling, including the CWS®, CWSP®, and CWCA® exams, can be done online at or by calling 800-733-9267.
During this time, ABWM® has also waived all previously assigned 90-day eligibility windows for all candidates. ABWM® is also allowing candidates to reschedule any upcoming exams for a later date/alternative location due to current situations. Candidates may also put any exam on hold until the situation becomes clearer.
Previously, if you were scheduled to sit for an ABWM® exam after April 13th, you were expected to be able to keep your testing date/time. The ABWM® will be contacting candidates with new updates as this situation progresses. Below is the most recent update regarding ABWM® wound care certification exams:
UPDATE 4/7/2020: ABWM® Headquarters staff is working remotely until further notice. Candidates are still expected to reschedule their exam using the PSI link above. Current ABWM® staff are available by phone at 202-457-8408 and by email at [email protected].
ABWM® Re-Test Notice
Any candidates needing to apply for a re-test exam are advised to send in their form electronically to [email protected]. Expect delays with application receipt and processing during this time.
WOCNCB® Wound Certification Exam Rescheduling
Many of the WOCNCB®’s Scantron testing centers are also closed at this time. All CWOCN®, CWCN®, CWON®, COCN®, and CCCN®candidates with an exam or re-certification exam scheduled over these next three months are being asked to reschedule if their Scantron testing center is closed. Any initial applicants with test dates in March, April, or May, will have their exam change fees waived during this time, and will now have until June 30th to take the exam.
For any questions specific to your situation, you can email the WOCNCB® directly at [email protected].
Additional Notice About Wound Care Exam Recertifications
Like exams, wound care certification recertification processes have also been disrupted due to COVID-19.
The ABWM® recommends applying for recertification online to minimize wait times and circumvent expected delays in mail services. All 10-Year Recertification candidates will have their deadline extended to December 31st 2020 in order to accommodate for delays.
Those applying for re-certification should submit their form electronically via email attachment to [email protected].
The WOCNCB® has also extended their recertifications during this uncertain time. Those with credentials expiring in March, April, and May 2020 will get an extended expiration date of June 30, 2020.
Have additional questions. regarding wound care exam rescheduling? We recommend contacting your exam organization at the respective emails listed above to stay up-to-date on current changes.