If you have been researching online wound care certification options, you may have stopped after being bombarded with a host of acronyms. Fear not- we’ve listed the various wound care certification options to help you easily compare. 

CertificationOrganizationWho is EligibleExperience
# of Exam
Passing Score
Passing RateTest CostCertification
MA or Sales Professions
(3) years of combined experience12072/10064%$37510 Yr
CWSABWMRNs, BSNs, PTs, PAs(3) years of combined experience15087/12560%$57510 Yr
CWSPABWMMDs, DOs, DPMs(3) years of combined experience180116/15080%$99510 Yr
WCCNAWCOLPN/LVN, RN, NP, PA, PT, PTA, OT, OTA, MD, DO, DPM(2) years full-time or four (4) years part-time (at least 20 hours per week) OR previous/current ABWM or WOCNCB certification120-hour hands-on clinical training with an approved NAWCO preceptor.110weighted equation85%$3805 Yr
CWCNWOCNCBBachelors Degree Nurses50 CE contact hours plus 1500 clinical hours in the past 5 yearsWOC Education Program Preceptor12050071%$3955 Yr

Wound Care Boards vs Certifications

Wound care certification boards are the ones that offer and regulate wound care certifications. The following are some of the most well-known wound care certification boards:

The American Board of Wound Management (ABWM)

The Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Board (WOCNCB)

The National Alliance Wound Care Ostomy (NAWCO)

Each wound care certification board has different requirements. Click below to learn more about each:

Accredited ABWM® Wound Care Certifications

The CWCA® Certified Wound Care Associate

The CWS® Certified Wound Specialist

The CWSP® Certified Wound Specialist Physician

Accredited NAWCO® Wound Care Certifications

The WCC® Wound Care Certification

The AWCC® Advanced Wound Care Certification 

Accredited WOCNCB® Wound Care Certifications

The CWCN® Certified Wound Care Nurse

Compare Wound Care Certification Cost

The current cost of accredited wound care exams ranges from $380-$995. Some wound care certification boards also require you to pay an application fee in addition to the exam cost, which could range from $45-$95. Like all wound care certification prep courses, the cost of the exam is not included in the WoundEducators’ course price. 

When comparing wound care certifications, it is also necessary to keep track of important certification renewals and dates. The ABWM certifications are valid for ten years with a $150 annual renewal fee. The WOCNCB and NAWCO certifications are valid for five years. 


Wound Care Certification Options

Because there are so many certification programs available, it can be difficult to decide which program to pursue. The acronyms alone can be overwhelming!

Unfortunately, the sheer number of wound care certification options available makes it difficult to make a decision regarding which type of certification to pursue.  Below, we simplify the process, showing you how to make the best choice for your unique needs.

Wound Care Education  – What is the Best Wound Care Certification Course?

First of all, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge.  You can do this by taking a comprehensive wound care certification course.  Before enrolling in a wound care course, consider the following:

  • Background and Discipline – What is your educational background?  Are you a nurse, physician, physical therapist, or other licensed professional?   Is the wound care certification course that you are considering tailored to your unique educational background?  Be sure that the wound course you choose is appropriate for your educational background and degree, versus a “one size fits all” program. Our wound care courses are designed to educate based on your specific degree and current knowledge.
  • Cost – Cost may be a factor for you if you are planning on paying to become certified on your own. If your employer is footing the bill or bearing a portion of the cost, they may have a preference as to which certification program you pursue.  Our wound certification courses start at $897, which is almost one-third the cost of some of the traditional seminar courses being offered.
  • Continuing Education Credit – How many CE/CME hours does the course offer?  What is the cost/hour?  The price of our online wound certification courses are $897- $997 and provides up to 60 CME hours,  which equates to less than $15/CME hour.  Included in this fee is 6 months of access to the course and all course materials.  How does this compare to some of the programs you may have already considered?
  • Length of Access – How long do you have access to the course?  Typically seminar courses are only offered for a few days, whereas online courses provide longer access.  WoundEducators.com provides six months of unlimited access with the option to renew for a small administrative fee.
  • Mode of Study – Are you looking for a program that can be completed online? Most professionals these days are comfortable with online learning.  At WoundEducators.com, we’ve created a highly effective set of unique, interactive teaching tools for optimum learning and retention. In addition, our courses allow you to proceed at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.
  • Guarantee – Does the course offer a guarantee if you do not pass the wound care certification exam?  All of our courses offer an “until you pass” risk-free guarantee allowing you additional course access if you do not pass the wound certification exam.
  • Takeaways-  – Does the course you’re considering offer any takeaways so that you can continue your education?  We provide a wound care, e-textbook, study guides, and comprehensive wound course outline that are all included in the course fee.

Which Wound Care Certification Is Best?

Certification Options – The Choices May Surprise You

Once you have completed your wound care training course, you can take the exam to become wound care certified.  There are a variety of wound certifications available depending on your level of education.

What many people do not know is that in order to achieve accreditation, a wound certification board must offer multiple levels of entry to sit for the wound certification exam. This was done so that wound certification would measure knowledge and NOT force practitioners to take a specific course.  

Unfortunately, not all wound care certification bodies and programs make these options clear. Regardless of your educational background, there is a wound care certification that is right for you.

At WoundEducators.com, we have tailored our online wound care programs to specific groups of professionals- regardless of your educational background, one of our online wound certification courses is sure to meet (and surpass) your needs. Not sure about the necessary requirements to sit for the wound certification exam of your choice? You can also learn about the importance of an accredited wound care certification with our latest whitepaper.